Step- By- Step Guide to Setting Up AZURE Blob Storage for Hosting a Static Website.
a) Sign in to the Azure Portal and click on the search bar for "Storage account"
As a preamble imagine you own a Company as the Director you have a chest of drawers with several compartments in your office some drawers are for Financial Records, some for Staff Records, some for Tax Records, others for Clients and the lists goes on. All these have been done to make your office well organized and your search for information easier.
Let us assume Azure Storage Account as a digital clone of this Chest of Drawers. Just in line with the diversity of the contents and compartments of the Chest of Drawers, A Microsoft Azure Storage Account offers a structured approach to data storage with four options: Blobs (containers), Files, Queues, and Tables. With a unique namespace provided for your data this storage account enables effortless global accessibility through internet protocols like HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol) or HTTPS. (Hypertext Transfer Protocol(Secured).
Let us continue
b) Once Storage accounts has been clicked the interface below appears:
c) On the Storage account page, click on " +Create", this will land you on the "Basics" page
Still on the Basics Page
Work on your Project details
1) Click to choose your existing Subscription “Azure Subscription 1”
2) For Resource group option we are choosing an existing Resource group captioned “Martadvisory”. The Create New option under the name can be used to create another if you so desire
Instance details.
At this juncture you will scroll down to “Instance details” .
1) Input your globally unique “Storage Account Name”
2) Select the Region you want your storage to be deployed in.
3) At Primary Service choose Azure Blob Storage
4) At Performance tick Standard as a way of cost saving. Although if it is low latency you require, choose "Premium".
Sill on Instance Details
5) Now for Redundancy select "Geo-redundant storage(GRS)". Note here that this option has a failover capability in a secondary Region this is recommended in scenarios backup is needed in this case data is also stored two Regions.
The type or choice of Redundancy to be selected is dependent on the user’s needs. For this write-up, we are sticking with GRS.
d) Click on "<Next:Advanced>" and scroll down to the Blob storage section.
1) On “Access tier” click on "Hot" to frequently access your data at any time
It is worthy of note that there are three types of Access tiers available in Azure, Hot, Cool, and Archive. While creating a storage account, by default only the Hot and Cool tiers can be seen. In this adventure of ours we will be demonstrating how to switch to the Archive tier once the Blob storage has been created.
e) Click on Next: Networking> to configure your networking
1) Scroll down to Network routing and leave the preference in the default state "Microsoft network routing"
f) Click on Next: Data protection>
g) Click on Next: Encryption>
h) Leave the Encryption page in its default state and click on Next Tags.
i) Also leave the Tags page in its default state and click on "Review"
j) On the Review page, you can see a summary of all that you've done. Click on "Create".
k) Once Validation is passed, click on "Create"
U) This will take you to the deployment page, once the deployment is complete, click on "Go to resource"
l) You will be directed to the Storage Account page.
Awesome!! Now that we have our storage account ready, let's get inside to create our container.
1) Click on your created Storage Account to have an overview.
2) Scroll to the left of your storage page, under data storage and click on "Container”
PermalinkTime to Create your Container
1) On your container page click on "+Container" to create your container.
This will direct you to the page displayed below:
2) Give your container a name on the interface Sidebar captioned “New container”
3) On the “Public Access Level”, click on the dropdown and pick "Container to grant public access over the internet”.
4) Click on the "Create" button
Woaw! Kudos to us, because we able to create our Storage account and now we have also been able to create our Container as well. The Portal Interface below is showing you the container we created by name Martadcontainer to proceed click on your container.
4) Click on the Upload button to upload a picture.
5) Click on "Browse for files" or drag and drop your image
6) The above instruction will direct you to your folder on your desktop, select an image of your choice and open it to upload by clicking Upload as in the interface below:
7) Your image will upload as shown below in your container
To generate SAS URL, follow the steps below:
1) Click on your uploaded image/document in your container
2) Click on Generate SAS
3) Once the link is copied, paste it into a new tab in any Browser of your choice as shown below:
4) Press enter to view our African Giant Snail the image uploaded on our Blob storage as shown below:
PermalinkHURRAY! The task (STEP- BY- STEP GUIDE TO SETTING UP AZURE BLOB STORAGE FOR HOSTING A STATIC WEBSITE ) we set out originally to achieve has been completed and am very positive it was a smooth ride for you.
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As an addendum to this blogpost you have further examples of the Static websites and how you can change your Access tier documented herein. Have a smooth sail!.
PermalinkHow to Change your Access Tier to Archive.
You see documents that are referenced often are can be in placed in several access level tiers but not the Archive Tier. The tier used for this article is Hot for illustrative purposes so you can be shown how the access Level is changed. To store your data that will not be referenced or accessed very frequently, the access tier can be changed to Archive. See explanation below:
a) Please stay on the blob page and click on “Change Tier”
b) Click on the drop-down to change your choice of access tier.
C) Choose “Archive Tier” as the preferred Access Level.
While practicing I did several uploads to master the process check them out and comment about my handsome pictures.. Cheers